Tuesday 17 November 2009


hahaha :D yeah i'm really stressed. so let's all... 1. practice meditation and get a series of extremely painful jabs to relieve stress or 2. blog till you feel better. HMM! TOUGH CHOICE!

so since the last time i blogged, we filmed our animal farm dramatization thingy, which went surprisingly well, but it's quite unclear due to my cheap camera, but that's not what matters (i hope). cos the teachers can't grade according to how good our cameras are, or wouldn't it be really unfair to a less fortunate group with really bad cameras but really good acting skills? hmm? oh and we actually put on makeup to portray a dog, but we were running so fast you could hardly see our faces. so it was a waste of baby powder and some kind of brown thing. but nonetheless, it was really awesome :DD and we thought it might take three or four sessions, but it only took one very slack session and another normal one. conclusion: we didn't have a very high expectation of our film (if we over-estimated ourselves it would probably have been a disaster). hehe.

okay then after the filming and all my brother and my dad went to watch 2012, so i followed my mum to some fancy dinner. i didn't go watch 2012 with them cos i would probably think too deeply and end up freaking myself out about the apocalypse and amergeddon (how do you spell that) etica etica. so the fancy dinner was, as you know, fancy. it was for some kind of fundraising for two people who were traveling across the world or something. when i heard that one table costs $1000, i was like :O GASPS. SHOCK. HORROR. hehehe. then there were these wannabe people who played really loud music which killed my eardrums. but the food was good cos it was FANCY.

then on saturday our designer for the new house came and told my parents a whole bunch of stuff that i didn't hear, but i heard that my room would look something like this:
yeah. there are actually shelves on my bed. hahaha that's kinda new but we should always think out of the box!

im bored/desperate/stressed/sian,

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