Tuesday 17 November 2009

by the way...

i found this new option on blogger, its called reactions, as in your reactions from reading my posts. so at the end of each post there would be a three options: HAHAHA:D, WOAH. and HUH? . so i encourage (haha wouldn't it be funny if it was pronounced as an-co-raage) you to click one of 'em :D YAY! since i don't think anyone would, if you do, you'll make my DAY :D



hahaha :D yeah i'm really stressed. so let's all... 1. practice meditation and get a series of extremely painful jabs to relieve stress or 2. blog till you feel better. HMM! TOUGH CHOICE!

so since the last time i blogged, we filmed our animal farm dramatization thingy, which went surprisingly well, but it's quite unclear due to my cheap camera, but that's not what matters (i hope). cos the teachers can't grade according to how good our cameras are, or wouldn't it be really unfair to a less fortunate group with really bad cameras but really good acting skills? hmm? oh and we actually put on makeup to portray a dog, but we were running so fast you could hardly see our faces. so it was a waste of baby powder and some kind of brown thing. but nonetheless, it was really awesome :DD and we thought it might take three or four sessions, but it only took one very slack session and another normal one. conclusion: we didn't have a very high expectation of our film (if we over-estimated ourselves it would probably have been a disaster). hehe.

okay then after the filming and all my brother and my dad went to watch 2012, so i followed my mum to some fancy dinner. i didn't go watch 2012 with them cos i would probably think too deeply and end up freaking myself out about the apocalypse and amergeddon (how do you spell that) etica etica. so the fancy dinner was, as you know, fancy. it was for some kind of fundraising for two people who were traveling across the world or something. when i heard that one table costs $1000, i was like :O GASPS. SHOCK. HORROR. hehehe. then there were these wannabe people who played really loud music which killed my eardrums. but the food was good cos it was FANCY.

then on saturday our designer for the new house came and told my parents a whole bunch of stuff that i didn't hear, but i heard that my room would look something like this:
yeah. there are actually shelves on my bed. hahaha that's kinda new but we should always think out of the box!

im bored/desperate/stressed/sian,

Wednesday 11 November 2009

revolutions, assassinations, and cheesecake

i think i've completely lost it. i've never blogged two days in a row, or rather twice on the same day since i finished my last post at around midnight. either way it means that i really have nothing better to do than sit at a computer and watch my life rot away. okay maybe its not that bad, but do you catch my drift? the holidays are seriously even worse than school, and i don't even have that no worries feeling cos clearly i am always worrying. EVERWORRYING. (see last post). haha. what i'm worrying about? chine- okay don't get me started on THAT.

i just finished that english not-so-much-of-a-worksheet about prefixes and suffixes which was kinda/not really productive, but at least i got my brain working to prevent it from rusting away. i wanna get started on math, but math just make me feel queasy and everything, cos of calculations, working, fullscap/foolscap/how do you spell it, etica etica. so if you're asking if i've started on math? *HINT* plus the foolscap chenyee gave me stayed in my bag for quite awhile so its crumpled at the ends. HEHE :P. what other homework...hmm...oh besides that i guess we just have animal farm filming and the bonus ca marks thing, so i guess i'm pretty much on the right track. 'sides that i just ALSO finished my hen hats. for animal farm filming. oh and turn your head to the right to see it properly. haha:

yep. i made two of 'em in total. whee i'm really proud of myself :D

i'm actually searching Yahoo for something to talk about. cos i'm desperately out of interesting things to talk about, haha. oh why not we decifer our title of the day :D lol. okay lets see. revolutions - recently i've been researching about animal farm, which is based on the russian revolution, thus, revolution. assassinations - long chim word that somehow reminds me of the north korean prime minister. cheesecake - cake with cheese. oh and by the way cheesecake in japan in the best :D

oh and i'm kinda scared for friday cos clara is coming at 7, and i'll have to wake up early just to entertain her. why clara, why. nngh. but besides that i'm kinda looking forward to friday and filming and stuff.

okay that is all (i got through an entire post talking about almost nothing)

oh p.s. there's singapore idol today :D

Tuesday 10 November 2009

post-school term stress

AHHHHH. i think white hair is growing out of my head in bulk. and you know why? of course you don't i haven't told you yet. cos i've been really WORRIED about chinese cos i suck at it and so i started getting sec 2 text books story books and whatnot and then i saw how sucky i was and stared getting WORRIED and so i stopped to rest a bit and then i wondered why i wasn't doing work and then i started getting WORRIED again and then i thought of failing next year and i got even more WORRIED. ah. did you get that right. ah. and know i'm reading what i wrote and im freaking out and getting WORRIED. conclusion --> i can't stop worrying. oh and on a sidenote, my chinese sucks eggs, in case you haven't noticed. so i'm just gonna self-motivate myself now if you don't mind: I BETTER READ LOTS OF CHINESE STUFF AND LEARN LOTS OF STUFF IN THE HOLIDAYS, I SURELY CAN IMPROVE RIGHT? RIGHT. GOOD? GOOD. phew. done. i should probably paragraph know so i don't chase everyone away :D

the reason why the title of this post.. is itself.. is cos (thinks thinks thinks) i am stressed out. after school. are you catching my drift? you know post..after..stress.. yeah nevermind. but anyway its cos of the chinese thing WHICH I DON'T WANNA TALK ABOUT KNOW OR I MIGHT ENTER INTO THE STRESSED/WORRY PHASE, and also cos of bonus ca marks, homework, animal farm shit, etica etica. i really get stressed often. but i am not here to talk about that, if not i'll very much be defeating the purpose of a blog, and i'd shoo away all my non-existent readers won't i? haha :D

so let's talk about (or rather i talk, you..listen) happy stuff like happiness and peace and squirrels! hmm. HMMM! let's see, what's going on in my life that might be of interest to you... ah. i went to guitar lesson yesterday, and i got pretty wet in the rain, but good thing i brought my, quote brit small kiddies..and joy, 'brolly' or i would've gotten even wetter. and so i was freezing in the cold confined guitar room and my only source of heat was the heat given out by joy and possibly edwards. lol. but guitar was kinda fun cos we cracked some nerdy jokes that edward couldn't understand so he pretended too. and we managed to get a calculative conversation so engaging that he couldn't help joining in. haha :D oh and we 'learnt' a new song.

today. i did really boring stuff. if you wanna know (which i trust you don't) i played animal crossing, did some homework, found a study website which was really fun, cos it was where all study nerds (like me) go to, and i practiced power chords (which are called power chords, quote edward, the same way a bag is called a bag and not cloth). but i also watched some youtube videos which were really funny, one is a twilight spoof with taylor swift in it and that video led to this one which in my opinion was even funnier . i hope these links are correct, and i don't lead you to some shock horror video. but seriously watch it. if you get the jokes its funny, and if you don't, well too bad. (EDIT: DUE TO SOME KINDA COPYRIGHT THING, I CANT LINK IT, HEEHEHE :P)

okay i really gotta sleep now, but i feel like putting a picture here to make my post less boring, so:
thats a fake guard. he's actually a busker, but i thought he pulled it off quite well.

i've really gotta sleep now.

Monday 9 November 2009

boredom and homework. i complain too much.

already into the second week of the holidays, and i'm as bored as shit. but shit has no reason to be bored. it has this wonder roller coaster ride down the toilet bowl and into the ocean (and into our NEWater). unlike me. i'm freakishly bored. like i have this feeling in myself that wants to stick to the original routine of going to school, sitting through lessons, going home, doing homework etica etica! but i can't. at least those sports CCA people can go to school and keep their minds fresh and keep them from rotting away, but i'm kinda sitting at home pondering about my existence and rabbid dogs and physics. BLECHH. haha that sounded like puke. anyway. now my brother still has school for another 2 weeks and he's complaining about it and feeling jealous that i don't have school, but honestly if i were him i'd still stick to it happily cos, due to singaporeans slackiness and lack of outgoing-ness, we don't bother to find interesting things to do, and most of the time the end of year holidays become so boring and we just sit at home collecting dust. (or maybe thats just me, but i'm pretty sure we get bored) so in my opinion, its much better to have a shorter well-spent amount of time in the holidays, than have 2 months of boredom.

but despite being bored i still have HOMEWORK. garh. i know i'm totally contradicting myself here, but why do we need to prepare for school next year when the holidays are supposed to be a time where we relax and wanna get as far away from school as possible. HOLIDAY -- a festivity or recreation where NO WORK IS DONE. so technically by making us do homework and research etica etica, we are defeating the purpose of having a holiday in the first place (see holiday meaning on top). as we progress we have got more and more work to cope with in school, so isn't it only fair to let as relax and not think about school till jan 2? but NO!, they've got the whole of next year planned for us, and we need an early head start! thats how messed up we are now in these times. scientists/philosophers/prime ministers keep claiming that they are doing their best to work towards a better more advanced world, but BETTER and MORE ADVANCED need not be put together. sure, their work has brought to a more advanced society than lets say, the early 1800s, but it hasn't necessarily improved our lives. sure, they made stuff like computers, handphones, buses, toothpaste etica etica that improves convenience and saves time, but then we just have more time to work and work and work, thus the fast-paced, busy, no time to stop and stare society that we have become. so i'm pretty sure life was more peaceful and meaningful in the 1800s than in present day. PHEW. i feel like i said that all in one breath. i'm totally digressing. but then again, nowadays we've got so much things to think about, we have no time to appreciate life.

on a lighter note, i'm gonna move house! <-- i'm not sure if there's a more sophisticated way to say it, but yeah! i'm so excited. its brand new, though its smaller than my current one, but there's a brand new fresh start feeling. i'm also a lot nearer to school, so yay :D

thats the outside from the window. :D

couch potato

Tuesday 3 November 2009

random distortion. btw i'm super satisfied with myself.




Geography is the entire earth..

Lang Arts is explicably unexplainable.

Chinese Is 非常 complicated.

Math is calculative.

Phys ed is full of surprises!

ArTs A tOtAl JoKe.

Home Ec = Free food.

ComPuter studies. facebook.

Project Work was never a good idea.

Music is when we shine.

whee :D i did this after the exams some time between when i discovered fancy fonts and boredom. hmm. so school has ended for quite a while now, but i still have to go back to school for first aid and what not. gah. first aid is so boring! but today we learnt about wounds and bleeding and it was so scary and traumatizing and i got so nauseous. ahh. seriously wounds suck. it made me think about how vulnerable we are. i should lock myself up in my room and keep my butt safe like spongebob.

hahaha. isn't that cool! i always loved spongebob <3

oh i'm so proud of myself cos my average band is 3.5, which means i'm most probably going to 2CO! whoohoo! *VICTORY DA-A-A-NCE* but the problem is everyone is gonna be so smarty-pants and competitive and i'm gonna mug my butt off. edwardsannomongoliablahblahblahmaccaronifireextinguisherrippedjeanschewymaccaroni is gonna totally insult us. bahh-ah-ah. but the good news is ima be with chenyee and my other friends! yay! whee!
wow this post is super long. but its got very little real content. :D
