Thursday 27 August 2009

its not the end of the world. yet.

EOYs are coming soon:O its sooper hard to study for exams when all this year i've been studying for minor tests. now its everything PUT TOGETHER. sounds scary sia. oh! tomorrow we've got the science/tennis ball/catapult thingy! i'm excited. i hope i get at least an A. i put ALOT of time into my catapult. mmhmm. now ima rushing to type this cos its reeaally late, i may probably continue this tomorrow if i've got no time. thats totally crap. hmm... i can't stop thinking about neil armstrong cos i was reading something about spaceships and astronaut and stuff like that. i should probably put my content into paragraphs so it's less messy huh.


OKAY! its like the next day already cos i had to stop halfway cos it was getting late. yupyup, we had the catapult thingy today, i hit the 4 metre mark! YESH. its ACES day on monday, are you excited? i'm not that excited, haha. i'm part of the prestigious SHAKERS though. YEH:D rushing again. got lots of homework. GARH. i've probably said this before, but its sooper hard to study for the exams when there's like soo much homework. and i dunno where to start. LANG ARTS? CHINESE? GEOG? HISTORY? MATH? SCIENCE? (that was according to the colour of the files, so cool right? 8D) actually i brought home lang arts file, but i end up stoning when i read the notes, cos its so cheeem.

my post is so colourful today:D hehe. okay i better go chiong homework soon, but since im so committed, i'll continue(YEH). i thought math project was gonna be fun, but then i saw the survey thingy and i realised i had to write conclusions and stuff. BAH, more lang arts stuffies. this is getting so random. ahahaha.


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