Thursday 27 August 2009

its not the end of the world. yet.

EOYs are coming soon:O its sooper hard to study for exams when all this year i've been studying for minor tests. now its everything PUT TOGETHER. sounds scary sia. oh! tomorrow we've got the science/tennis ball/catapult thingy! i'm excited. i hope i get at least an A. i put ALOT of time into my catapult. mmhmm. now ima rushing to type this cos its reeaally late, i may probably continue this tomorrow if i've got no time. thats totally crap. hmm... i can't stop thinking about neil armstrong cos i was reading something about spaceships and astronaut and stuff like that. i should probably put my content into paragraphs so it's less messy huh.


OKAY! its like the next day already cos i had to stop halfway cos it was getting late. yupyup, we had the catapult thingy today, i hit the 4 metre mark! YESH. its ACES day on monday, are you excited? i'm not that excited, haha. i'm part of the prestigious SHAKERS though. YEH:D rushing again. got lots of homework. GARH. i've probably said this before, but its sooper hard to study for the exams when there's like soo much homework. and i dunno where to start. LANG ARTS? CHINESE? GEOG? HISTORY? MATH? SCIENCE? (that was according to the colour of the files, so cool right? 8D) actually i brought home lang arts file, but i end up stoning when i read the notes, cos its so cheeem.

my post is so colourful today:D hehe. okay i better go chiong homework soon, but since im so committed, i'll continue(YEH). i thought math project was gonna be fun, but then i saw the survey thingy and i realised i had to write conclusions and stuff. BAH, more lang arts stuffies. this is getting so random. ahahaha.


Thursday 20 August 2009


i haven't figured out how to put my PRETTY fonts into a blog post. AHWELL.
i'm actually in a rush 'cos i still have homework, but i'm so committed so i'll blurt something out anyway:D

hmm. today we had the 110 round race at school. i was supposed to run, butta didn't eat lunch so ABI <-- haha she's so dangerous her name's in red:D ran a round for me. (sorry to those who didn't eat luch too:P) BUT(T)! i lent ABI my class tee so in the end, i still did something for 1CO:DD

EHHH. lang arts is making me really scared. i seriously need help for the literary analysis and unseen poem/prose all this kinda thing. if you ask me to do one know i'd probably PHAIL :O i can't remember a thing about it. blame it one my overloaded brain. AAAGH!!! i need tuition D: not really. i just need to study the right thing. BLEH.

oh. tomolo there's career talk. i bet law's gonna be so boring. law is boring in nature.

O.o the word 'error' just popped out on the screen.

okay its fine now. GARHAHA sho random sia.

OH NO its 9. i should go do homework. i hate homework. i wanna move to new zealand or something. i hear they have no homework there.
now i'm feeling weirdly reflective and sorta depressed about school and stuff but i probably shouldn't bore out my blog so i should just end..


Sunday 16 August 2009


(sho random)

went to the da vinci exhibition in science centre today.
did you know leonardo was a gay gai?!

heehee, spent the whole afternoon working on my catapult with my dad.
its coming together, but its still a bit flimsy and short by 'bout 40cm D:
but at least its done:)

still haven't done art homework.
hehe, still have a whole week to do it actually.
but still!
art is hard though:/
why can't we stick with drawing boys and girls in gardens and cartoon trees, when clouds were blue and skies were white, cos we were too lazy to paint the landscape?
that's probably just me though.

chen yee just reminded me two things:
1) Health week. EUUGH. taking up all my after school free time. it better be fun.


Saturday 15 August 2009

someone threw a mug at mona lisa?!

haven't posted in a few days .
sho busy D:
HAHA, just when i said it was becoming regular:P

garh, i just fineeshed my homework when i realised i gotta work on my catapult and art and tuition homework. sho sian sia. (alliteration haha:D) STEEUPID SINGAPORE SYSTEM. (hey another alliteration!) but i've got ideas:D 1) become a fellow snail like chen yee. 2) move to new zealand (haha there's so much land there to roam) HAHA:D

we had farewell yeshterdaye and almost no one cried so in your face chenyee! haha red cross-ers are so much more emo than guides:D and when i came home i was sho sian / tired D: and my mum had invited guests to make PIZZA but i was too SCHLEEPY anyway. i fell asleep in jeans D: sho weird sia. but anyway i slept for 12 hours so i grew 2cm YEH! i knew cos i measure myself with a measuring tapey thing that i taped to the wall. (don't judge me!)

no matter how much work i do there always seems to be more. like the never ending stairs in super mario 64 DS that always creeps me out. gargh, life's hard:/ we really should all become new zealand snails. SIGH.

okay i should go do homework / find a way to migrate to new zealand now.


Tuesday 11 August 2009


My blog has been alive for two weeks now:D
I feel triumphant (again, i think).
I feel cool. Cool people have blogs:D
Then again, lame people have blogs too.
I feel lame.
I feel weird, like this is all a waste of time.
Nah, its not. (its productive, teehee.)
I feel random.
Like i shouldn't be randomly writing 'I feels' to commemorate my blog's 2 weeks of living-ness.

professional rabbid ballerina:D

Monday 10 August 2009

Sunday 9 August 2009

national daye and other random stuff.

i said the pledge yeah.

haha, my thumbie has reunited with its cap:D
i love my thumbie.
thumbie loves me.
it tattooed my name on itself.
(cheesy siah)

friday was SCday/national day celebrations.
i brought cookies.
ABI was advertising it to practically EVERYONE.
then chen yee and shreya came over to my house:D
YAYE, that was fun.

UGH. there's china test this tuesday. aka, the world is gonna burn over. anytime now. but i will be YONG GONG and studaye for it! but how do you study for a china test? hmm.

ooh, i went to the gym today, and i ran around 3km. i was planning to run more, but then a group of hippies cakme in and i was kinda freaked out cos 1) they wore hippie-ish weird clothing and 2) they were really big. haha, so i left, but then i went for a swim, which was completely random, but i just felt like it:D

YEEEH, they showed MTV movie awards on channel 5 today (finally, their like more than a month late) so i recorded it:D yay, ima watch it tomolo.

jing wen

Thursday 6 August 2009

Tuesday 4 August 2009

don't take thai planes-one just crashed.

i feel really triumphant that i actually got to my third post.
its my biggest blog yet (i know im inconsistent)
usually my blogs just go up to one post.
'cept my china blog (which was very involuntary)

did anyone see my spam?
it phailed hard.
im a real noob at spamming.

i actually have a test to mug for.
im slacking...

im bored.
i know i shouldn't be.
but seriously how do you study for a lang (f)arts test?

i'm baking cookies for SCday:DDD



Saturday 1 August 2009

titles are hard:/

I've got homework to do.
why am i even posting something?

the physics experiment is getting on my nerves.
i hope i can find a spring in time.
and a spoon.
and cardboard.
and string.

kay need to do math now.
hopefully people will come see my blog :D

oh right..i've got CIP finally :D my mum's friend wants me to help out at the Asian civilisation museum. YESH.

ps. i got a twitter account: mashpotatofish
inspired by ohno:D